Therapy & Counselling Resources > Anxiety And Depression



Anxiety is a word that covers a range of difficulties including stress, panic attacks and compulsions. Anxiety has a physiological as well as a psychological basis. While feelings of worry and sadness from time to time are part of life, for some people anxiety becomes a constant condition that affects their quality of life and the quality of life of those around them.

Anxiety can take the form of sleeplessness, tension or pains in the body, tiredness, headaches, an upset stomach, obsessive thoughts, "catastrophising", bad moods, withdrawal, overreacting or paranoia as well as many other symptoms. These can be signs that we need help to reduce stress or anxiety to a more manageable level.

Anxiety often goes hand in hand with depression. When we have worries that don't go away, we can easily start to feel low and unable to enjoy life. Sometimes anxiety can be traced back to a traumatic experience or it can be a build up from a number of difficult experiences or pressures that have not been released.

Treatment for anxiety can involve assistance with prioritising, learning triggers and limits, understanding root causes, letting go of expectations and resolving personal conflicts. Most therapists and counsellors have experience in responding to anxiety as it is one of the most common problems in life.

See also: Depression

This information is only general and is not a substitute for a professional consultation.

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